The McClone Agency
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We utilize a unique and systematic approach to consistently diagnose, evaluate, reduce and monitor your risk. At McClone, we don’t consider ourselves insurance agents, but rather outsourced risk managers. Rather than sell you a large portfolio of insurance products, we proactively work with you to protect your organization as well as your family.   Typically, the process of buying business insurance is flat and one-sided, perhaps consultative, but easily disposable or duplicated from one broker to the next.   At McClone we strive to be anything but ordinary. Rather than generic methods to manage and mitigate risk, we go above and beyond to ensure your experience is extraordinary, intimate, and indispensable.   Our process requires us to thoroughly investigate your company and the risks you face. We will work with you to fully know and understand your business and its risks, with no commitment from you.   We will highlight how the information learned in the discovery process helps us make recommendations, helps underwriters determine costs for coverage, and where your enterprise might remain exposed without action or appropriate coverage.   As your outsourced risk manager, we will immediately work with you to assess, evaluate, and prioritize these items to begin addressing them in a systematic way to reduce your company’s risk. We will continuously evaluate the programs and solutions we have put in place, and as results are analyzed, we will repeat the process again and again.

Business Address
150 Main St #300, Menasha, WI
ZIP Code
Phone Number
920 725-3232